
Sabah Deep Sea Tiger Prawn
  • RM109.00

  • Tiger prawns are very large and have many markings on their bodies. Therefore, tiger prawns are becoming more and more famous. The meat of tiger prawns is very sweet. In terms of flexibility, tiger prawns can be said to be the king of prawns, and they are well-known among seafood-loving diners. It can be called a delicacy in Sabah without eating tiger prawns.
  • 老虎虾的体型非常巨大而且有老虎虾身上长了很多的斑纹,因此,老虎虾越来越有名。老虎虾肉质非常的甜美,在弹性方面的,老虎虾可说是虾中之王,在爱好海鲜的食客们心目中可是名气响当当的。称得上是不吃老虎虾就白来沙巴一趟的美食
  • Harvested from Sabah
  • 沙巴海鲜特产
  • Wild Caught
  • 野生捕捞
  • Our fish is directly send for quick-freezing, to keep the fish in the best freshness and quality
  • 直接将虾冷冻,从而使虾肉保持在最好的新鲜度与质量
  • 100% Preservatives-free
  • 绝无防腐
  • Keep frozen at -18°C. For best quality, consume within 3 months.
  • 冷冻雪藏 -18°C。购买后3个月内食用,品质最佳

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